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Frequently Asked Questions

Eyelash Extension After Care

First 24 hours…

  • ​DO NOT get your new lashes wet. This will allow the glue to dry thoroughly.

  • ​AVOID hot steam from a shower or sauna.

  • ​AVOID rubbing your eyes excessively.

  • ​DO NOT wear mascara or use an eyelash curler.

After 24 hours…

  • ​AVOID oil-based cleansers, lotions or makeup removers as these products will dissolve the eyelash bonding agent. Use instead Blink Lash Makeup Remover Pads to gently remove any makeup.

  • ​DO NOT use waterproof or oil-based mascara as the ingredients in these types of mascaras will dissolve the eyelash bonding agent. Use instead Blink Lash Coating Mascara and apply only to the tips of the lashes or use the Blink Lash Power Black Coating to restore the bright black color without adding any weight to the lashes.

  • ​AVOID the use of a mechanical eyelash curler as they will damage and break both your natural lash and your extensions. Use instead the Blink Lash Heated Eyelash Curler to gently and safely lift the lashes.

  • ​DO schedule an Touch Up appointment  with your certified Blink Lash Professional every 2-4 weeks to refill any gaps caused by replenished natural lashes.

Home nail care in 10 easy steps

  1. Remove old nail polish with an acetone-free product (unless it’s a shellac-type professional varnish, which will need an acetone remover). Rinse nails immediately, as the solvent will dry out your nails.

  2. Soak nails in a small basin filled with warm soapy water to soften cuticles.

  3. Rinse hands and dry them by patting, rather than rubbing.

  4. Gently push back cuticles using a stick designed for the purpose. Don’t tear the cuticles; if you must, trim them with a nail clipper.

  5. With an emery board, file each nail down to the shape of your choice (square-tipped or rounded). File by pulling the board from the outside edge of the nail towards the centre and not with back-and-forth movements.

  6. With a nail buff, gently buff the surface of each nail to remove scratches and ridges.

  7. Apply a base coat containing keratin to protect your nails. Allow to dry.

  8. Apply two thin coats of colour, making sure to leave about one millimetre around the edge of the nail. Allow to dry.

  9. Apply a protective varnish. Allow to dry.

  10. With some moisturizing oil or cream, gently massage nails and cuticles.

For a luxurious pedicure, follow the same steps for your toenails.

Nail care tips for gorgeous nails

  • To fight soft or brittle nails, take vitamins A and C, plus an iron supplement. Natural sources are citrus fruits, carrots and leafy green vegetables.

  • Wear rubber gloves to do the dishes and any cleaning. Prolonged exposure to hot water and cleaning products can damage nails.

  • The presence of white spots in your nails can be the sign of a calcium deficiency.

  • Yellowish nails can be caused by smoking cigarettes or using coloured nail polish without a base coat. Soak nails in a mixture of warm lemon juice and olive oil to get rid of stains.

  • Winter is hard on nails, just as it is on skin. Apply moisturizer often, especially before going to bed.

A visit to the beauty salon

To get the ultimate in nail care, make an appointment for a mani-pedi at your beauty salon or spa. It’s a great way to enjoy a moment of pure relaxation and get perfect nails!

Strong solutions for brittle nails

Fingernails are made of a fibrous protein called keratin, which is the same type of protein found in hair. When the keratin filaments become weak, the nails become brittle. The main solutions for keeping brittle nails strong involve regular nail care, proper nutrition and avoiding things that can damage your nails.

Why are my nails brittle?

Brittle nails are often caused by a deficiency of iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B, dietary silicon or protein. Stress and fatigue are also contributing factors, as are nail biting, contact with chemical products, scraping surfaces with the finger nails and smoking. Some lines of work, like health and beauty care or housekeeping, require the use of harsh products, which can lead to brittle nails.

Solutions for brittle nails

There is some good news for you if you dream of having long, glamorous nails like the ones you see in celebrity gossip photos. You can fix your brittle nails by making a few changes in the way you eat and take care of them:

  • Eat a healthy and varied diet. Be sure to eat the Canada Food Guide’s daily recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, proteins and dairy products. You can also check with a health-care professional about the possibility of taking multivitamins or other dietary supplements.

  • Protect your nails from exposure to harmful products. Wear rubber gloves when washing dishes and cleaning the house, and use gardening gloves when you’re working outside.

  • Be careful with your nails. Even people with naturally strong nails can’t use them as though they were paint scrapers. Use a coinfor scratch-and-win lottery ticket and a spoon to lift the tab. And instead of drumming your fingernails on the customer service desk to show your impatience and annoyance, breathe deeply and keep smiling.

You can also treat yourself to a manicure once in a while and implement a regular nail care routine at home. Here are some tips to get perfect at-home nails:

  • Soak your nails in a container filled with warm water and a tablespoon of salt

  • Apply a generous layer of moisturizer

  • Rub your nails a few times a week with lemon, and then with olive oil, castor oil or sweet almond oil

  • File your nails in one direction only

  • Avoid using metal files

  • Always use a protective base coat before applying coloured nail polish, and finish with a hardener

  • From time to time, take a break from nail polish and nail polish remover by going natural for a while.

With these tips and solutions to combat brittle nails, you're only a fingernail’s length away from the hands of your dreams.

How to get beautiful nails
Heredity plays a role in how strong (or weak) our nails are, but you can follow these basic tips to create and get beautiful nails.

How to shape your nails

Nails that are cut straight across tend to be stronger than rounded shapes. Use nail clippers to cut across and follow with an emery board to smooth out the corners. File nails from the corners towards the centre in one direction to avoid weakening the nail. File snags before they can catch on something and tear. Buffing nails will leave a healthy shine and stimulate blood flow underneath the nail.

Some appearances are generally nothing to worry about. Vertical ridges running from the cuticle to the tip are quite common, especially as we age. Injury to the nail can leave behind white spots that will grow out with the nail.

How to maintain the cuticles

Cuticles are the nail’s natural defence system. They prevent pathogens and foreign bodies from infecting the nail bed, so it’s not recommended to cut or push cuticles. However, removing the extra skin from a cuticle is common practice in professional manicures.

Use a cuticle remover to dissolve overgrown cuticles, then gently push back the cuticle with a towel. Moisturize your nails and cuticles regularly to prevent hangnails, peeling or cracking.

Maintain a healthy diet

Doctors recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water a day for optimum health. Keep your body hydrated and your nails will have a better chance of retaining moisture. Some studies have shown that the B vitamin biotin helps to increase nail thickness and durability. You can take a supplement, though the vitamin is also found in foods like bananas, salmon and carrots.

Our nails can tell us when the body is experiencing a nutritional deficiency. Check your nail beds for signs of distress. Certain types of discolouration could be a signs of a health problem.

Things to do for beautiful nails:

  • Use a fine emery board. Coarse nail files are meant for artificial nails.

  • Keep nails dry. Wear rubber gloves when washing dishes by hand or using cleaning products. Harsh chemicals can dry out and damage nails.

  • Wear gloves or mittens during winter’s dry, cold months.

  • Use clear nail polish with hardener if you have weak, brittle nails. This will lock in the nail’s natural moisture.

Things never to do to your nails:

  • Don’t bite your nails or cuticles.

  • If you have a hangnail – a loose piece of skin near the cuticle – use nail clippers to remove it. Tearing it can rip the surrounding skin.

  • Use cool or lukewarm water when washing your hands – try not to over wash.

  • Avoid full-length fake nails – opt for nail tip extensions instead.

  • Don’t use your nails for tasks that actually require a tool.

Our hands play a large role in our interactions with others, so make sure you figure out how to have beautiful nails if you want to make a good impression.

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